domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Saint Helena: Radio St. Helena Day 2009 and RMRC‏

Gary Walters und sein Team wünschen jedem DXer beste Empfangsbedingungen und viel Spass beim Zuhören. Hoffentlich werden dieses Jahr uns die Sonnenflecken freundlicher gestimmt sein.( Radio Clubs, DXers, and Friends of Radio
St. Helena around the world, on 14. November 2009, during Radio St.
Helena Day 2009, the Rhein-Main Radio Club ( RMRC) in Frankfurt,
Germany, plans to have a RSD 2009 Party live over the Internet. We plan to have a Webcam with audio and a live Chat.
Please look at

For email directly to Radio St. Helena during RSD 2009, please use:

The RMRC would like to set up a world-wide Chat for people listening
to RSD 2009. We would appreciate your comments as to the reception
quality in your area, to the audio quality, to the program content,
and about anything else that you would like to comment on regarding
Radio St. Helana or the RMRC.

Please pass this information along to your radio club and radio
friends. Many thanks and good listening to RSD 2009 on 14. November,
Robert Kipp for Radio St. Helena, for the Rhein-Main Radio Club, Nov

[later version:] RMRC RSD 2009 Party live in Internet

PLEASE try to join us at the Rhein-Main Radio Club Radio St. Helena
Day 2009 Party. The RMRC plans to have a live CHAT, a webcam with
audio so that DXers can tell us about their reception conditions and
about themselves during the RSD 2009 broadcasts.

The RMRC plans to start the CHAT at about 19:00 UTC on 14. November.

To find the RMRC in the Internet, go to our homepage www(.)rmrc(.)de
On the homepage, on the left side, select "RMRC WebCam".
The webcam picture will be updated about every minute.

You can CHAT with us using the chat-box just below the photo.
You can hear the streaming audio by starting SKYPE.
Start SKYPE on your computer.
SEARCH for :
"RMRC" AND ("Germany" or "Deutschland") AND "All Languages"
and then hit "Find"
NOTE: be SURE to use "Germany" or "Deutschland", otherwise you get
an address in Brazil or somewhere.
The result should be: RMRC rmrcev Germany, Frankfurt
ADD this NEW Contact to your Skype list of contacts.

For other information from the RMRC, see:
www(.)rmrc(.)de/StHelena.html for Radio St. Helena information
www(.)rmrc(.)de/QSLCalendar.html for the RMRC 2010 QSL Calendar
www(.)rmrc(.)de/Webcam.html for direct access to the webcam page
These addresses must be exactly as shown (upper and lower case

For RSD 2009, RSH has set up a special email address :
--- to contact the RSH studio to take part in the program and
--- to take part in the drawing for RMRC 2010 QSL Calendars.

This special email address is: radio.announcements4669(at)
It is vital to use only lower case letters in this address.
Many thanks for your help and interest and with very best greetings,
Gary Walters, Station Manager of Radio St. Helena
Harald Gabler, Lutz Winkler, and Robert Kipp
Rhein-Main Radio Club, Frankfurt, Germany

Please pass this information along to your radio club and radio
friends. = (via WORLD OF RADIO 1486, DX LISTENING DIGEST)Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

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